
Toute l'actualité de L'ANPI-GABON

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1st Regional International Advisory Council Meeting& Trade Mission

A meeting was held on Monday 22 April 2024 at the Agence Nationale Promotion Investissements (ANPI-Gabon) between the Commonwealth's International and Regional Advisory Council Committee and stakeholders from key sectors of the Gabonese economy. This initiative follows on from the plea made by Mr Michel Régis ONANGA NDIAYE, Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Transition, to the organisation's Ministerial Action Group to regain member state status and revive Gabon's momentum within the Commonwealth.

In the presence of Mr Aimé-Popa N'ZOUTSI MOUYAMA, Mr Stéphane MBADINGA DITENGOU, Managing Director of the Funds Gabonese of Strategic Investment (FGIS), Mrs Danielle BIWAOU, Director General of the Chamber of Commerce, as well as representatives of the Federation of Enterprises of Gabon (FEG), the members of the CWEIC were informed about investment and business opportunities in Gabon.

In addition, Lord Hugo SWIRE, Chairman of the Commonwealth's International and Regional Advisory Committee, stressed the organisation's willingness to work freely and without politics with all member states, with a view to strengthening and boosting their economic exchanges.

Finally, Mr N'TZOUTSI MOUYAMA welcomed the arrangements made for the organisation of this round table, and took the opportunity to reiterate ANPI-Gabon's full willingness to collaborate with CWEIC with the aim of placing Gabon back at the heart of relations between member countries.

About ANPI-Gabon:

ANPI-Gabon's mission is to create businesses, promote investment and exports, support entrepreneurship and facilitate public-private dialogue by acting as the Permanent Secretariat of the High Investment Council (HCI). The Agency plays a key role in implementing the Transformation Acceleration Plan through the Private Investment Promotion Taskforce.

About CWEIC:

CWEIC is a not-for-profit trade organisation with an official mandate from Commonwealth Heads of Government to facilitate trade and investment in the 56 member countries of the Commonwealth. CWEIC's role is to use the convening power and trusted network of the Commonwealth, led by His Majesty The King, to stimulate trade and investment.